As I have been taking some time to look back on 2015, so many amazing things have happened. There has been one super generous gift this past year that has changed the way the Miriam Center runs and functions. White River Church donated for the Miriam Center to expand. This year the room was completed!!!
The completion of this room gives all of the most fragile kids in the Miriam Center a place to spend their mornings. These children are able to receive therapy, get massaged, listen to music and play. They finally have a space of their very own to just spread out and relax. They have a quiet place where the moms can love on them. It is such a precious place for them to grow and thrive.
The completion of this room has also created a space for the outreach families to come and call their own. Families can bring their children into this space without fear of being made fun of. They can receive the therapy and training that they need. This room gives them a space to come and have community with other outreach families. This room gives them a quiet space where they can have a time of devotion with each other and learn about God, and how precious God knows their children are.
These families also have community events in this room. Where all of the outreach families can come together and just have fun and enjoy each other. They get to see the abilities in each others children, they get to do community beside each other so that they can rejoice with each other, and through the rough times they can mourn with each other.
It is just a room, but it is building a community. A community for people that do not have a large support system outside of this room. It is showing them that they are not alone and that they are surrounded by people who love them. Most importantly it is a community that can grow together in Christ!
There is something else that happens in that room, that is precious beyond words. Every Sunday, all of the Miriam Center kids go into this room and have church. The staff leads the children in worship music, in prayer and a sermon is preached every Sunday. There is nothing like being able to be a part of church and watch as the children worship together with innocence and freedom, and this space is big enough for us all to worship together!!
A huge, huge thank you to White River Church for making this possible!!!!